The face of the river, in time, became a wonderful book . . . which told its mind to me without reserve, delivering its most cherished secrets as clearly as if it had uttered them with a voice. -- Mark Twain

What The Seer Saw

Posted: November 7th, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Uncategorized | No Comments »

Today we slide The Paper Boat into the river of time itself, and let the encircling waters carry us backward to the year 1995. Barack Obama has just published “Dreams from My Father” as he prepares to launch a career in politics, Monica Lewinsky is hired as an intern for President Bill Clinton at the White House, Coolio’s Gangsta’s Paradise graces US radios as the most popular song of the year, and Gerald Celente sits down to write about the coming populist demonstrations against Wall Street wealth and corruption… a decade and a half before they take actually place.

“Nostradamus, Top This!” declares the new Autumn 2011 edition of Celente’s The Trends Journal, as it recounts the prophetic passages he wrote so long ago. His predictions of revolution against the wealthy were published two years after he wrote them, in his best selling book Trends 2000. The words read as though they come from any current newspaper reporting on Occupy Wall Street.

“They flooded the streets. Day and night, they marched. They yelled, they screamed, they chanted, they danced, and they prayed.

No one saw them coming and they came from everywhere. The country had never seen such massive demonstrations. At first, ‘the experts’ compared it to the sixties, when draft-age dissenters, women’s libbers, and civil rights advocates took to the streets in protest. But this was no sixties sound …

Mounted police dispersed them with crowd control sprays and nightsticks. The episode barely made the national news and drew little notice in New York. But it was a harbinger …

As the demonstrations mobilized and gained momentum, the students were joined by their ‘un’-collegiate peers – the unemployed, the underemployed, the unemployable…

No one was sure what had turned the protestors into marchers, or what had pointed them in the direction of Wall Street. All that was known for sure was that a mob of adrenaline-pumped young people funneled into the narrow streets of the Financial District, taking everyone in their path along with them.”

While today’s political pundits and politicians argue about the causes of the Occupy movement, who is involved and what to do about it, Celente’s predictions pinpoint the dynamics that would eventually give rise to the demonstrations, and anticipate exactly who would be involved.

“America was not supposed to be a country where the rich grew richer and everyone else grew poorer. Finally the well-publicized income disparity between the rich and the shrinking middle class and growing underclass served as the predicted flashpoint …”

“It should have come as no surprise when the 90 percent of the nation who said they wanted change demanded change.”

“[They] were recruited from significant established minorities: the 80 percent of Americans who for decades had been telling pollsters they did not feel ‘our government can generally be trusted to look after our interests,’ the 91 percent who had ‘little or no confidence in Washington,’ the 80 percent who felt ‘the government favored the rich and powerful,’ the 73 percent who did not want to see environmental regulations rolled back … There were jobless Generation Xers, tax protestors, retirees with devalued pensions, the underemployed, the working poor, the downsized and out, the aware, and the unbuffaloed from every strata of society.”

“In Boston, Chicago, Atlanta, Austin, Los Angeles, Baltimore, Peoria, Portland, Bismarck, Honolulu, Anchorage, in every Middletown and Centerville, a stunned nation took to the streets and wouldn’t leave … With children in hand, graying boomers of protests past joined the vigil on the streets.”

“They wanted an end to policies that allowed two thirds of the nation’s wealth in one percent of U.S. households. They wanted tax money, presently squandered on defense, boondoggles and pork barrel projects to be spent on the people, not just a few people … and told the government to stop the war.”

Celente even predicted the use of the internet to organize the movement. At at time when a global internet system was still the dream of a handful of technologically elite and the best vehicle for the exchange of cyber information was the floppy disc, Celente wrote that demonstrators would use a social networking system to spread word and organize.

“This time the news was posted on the StudentNet. Sympathy protests simultaneously combusted on college campuses and in cities around the nation.”

It is amazing how specific the details are. While his predictions may give you goosebumps, Celente denies having any psychic abilities or extraordinary powers of perception. His techniques are based in understanding something about history, reading all he can get his hands on regarding current events, and in the power of thinking independently. It is something he claims any average person is capable of achieving with a little research and a healthy disregard for the mainstream media.

You may wonder, after witnessing Mr. Celente’s ability to predict future events with such accuracy, what he sees in store for us ahead. Unfortunately, the news is not good. He sees the Occupy movement as the beginning of something much bigger in the US. It may fade, but we will continue to see resurgent waves of similar protest until the imbalance of wealth has been rectified. He warns we are in the beginnings of global economic collapse and have yet to see the depths of what he believes will be America’s “Greatest Depression.” The intensity of the protests will escalate as economic conditions worsen and we will see increased loss of personal liberties as forces beholden to the wealthiest 1% of the country seek ever more forcefully to maintain the status quo. He predicts we will eventually see trade wars and then actual war – the next World War, he fears – as politicians continue to fail at creating any real improvement in the economy.

Perhaps of some comfort is that Celente also offers a possible solution, or at least the beginning of one. What he calls a potential “game changer” starts with the recognition that the mindset and policies of the Industrial Revolution era no longer work in the 21st Century world.

“The government/political ‘system’ in place in America, and throughout much of the world, is obsolete and irreparable. The inept generals masterminding lost-cause wars are mirrored by warring senators and representatives in Congress. Anyone who watched weeks of the Washington Wrestling Federation’s (WWF) reality show, ‘Beltway Battle Over the Budget,’ and still trusts the judgment of politicians, is either delusional or ideologically trapped,” says Celente.

Celente is calling for Direct Democracy. He believes the current system must be eradicated for any improvement to be made. As he describes it, there are currently 535 members of congress who pass laws and control the lives of 300,000,000 citizens in the US. With direct democracy every person would instead be represented directly by his or her own vote. We would vote on issues directly, like what to do with our money and when to go to war. He maintains it is working in Switzerland and it will work for the rest of us.

“The problem isn’t just in the numbers,” says Celente, “it’s that the ‘Gang of 535′ represents lobbyists and campaign contributors, not the constituents they claim to represent. ‘Representative Democracy’ is a cruel sham; it’s neither ‘representative’ nor ‘democratic,’ and people are getting wise to it. Polls show that only 17 percent of likely US voters say the country is heading in the right direction, while 46 percent believe most members of Congress are corrupt.

“In those beliefs rest the possibility for change, real change, not Obama-change. As Victor Hugo put it, ‘There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world, and that is an idea whose time has come.’ I believe that ‘idea’ is Direct Democracy, and I believe that the time has come for the entire world to wrest power from the hands of ruling political mobs and put it into the hands of the public. Let the people vote!”

Gerald Celente’s words may seem outrageous or too radical to many. His iconoclastic spirit and glum outlook for the future of the economy have certainly caused criticism. He has been referred to as a “gloom and doomer,” an “alarmist” and a purveyor of “pessimism porn” in the mainstream media. However, if the success record of his predictions is any indicator, Celente may again be one of the rare voices to call it as it is to come.

The Prophet Song was written by Brian May and originally performed by Queen.

The Trends Journal
Autumn Edition, 2011
Gerald Celente
October 29, 2011

Global Investor Network
Celente Solution: The 21st Century ‘Global Game Changer’
Michael Throckmorton
August 9, 2011

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